Thursday, November 01, 2007


Going to China in week 7

I will be in Shantou (previously known as Swatow) China for a conference from 5 - 9 Nov.

So if you are a student of mine and reading this, you'd be delighted...Yeah? No? Sad? Happy?

Well, it's all worth the effort as you would have already made up all the lessons with me this week (6).

It will be quite a hectic week over there, and I'll be trying out the Shantou University's broadband network to see if it can support Centra.

So, meantime, I still have to do a lot of work in school before I leave - conduct short courses for industry participants. Attend workshop and meet up with people etc...Argh!!! Wish I have a clone and can send him around to represent me...:>)

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